I loved, still, your Dad. As you say, he had the girt of seeing the wonderfulness in others, no matter how they appeared. He was brave in his chosen career and on his sailboat. I will always treasure the brief moments I got to see him in his element, including singing with you or reading Billy Elliot to whomever was present. Your essay gave me a window into his last days in such a visceral way. He was lucky, he made his luck, and he had five amazing daughters!

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He was so lovable. I know your friendship meant a lot to both of my folks.❤️

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Very tender, Karin!

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Thanks for reading my piece, Kathy. Hope the muse is with you .

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Thank you for your beautiful report of your Dads last days! I still miss my Dad so so much! He passed when he was 88 years old! He asked me how much longer did he have to suffer and I told him not much longer and he was so happy he cried! He passed away that night! God bless him!

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Thank you for sharing your experience w/ your dad! Powerful figures in our lives that are with us in spirit forever.

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Thank you, Karin, for sharing your deeply moving tale!

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Thank you for reading, Don. I loved seeing the pic of you hugging recently. Art is where it’s at!! The dudess

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Oh, Karin, you have touched deep down in my heart.

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Avi!!! Thanks for reading my words. We are ALIVE - with our tender hearts!! Lucky us🦋

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